PMAA Future Leaders



Developing talent and engaging future leaders while providing avenues for professionals to network and build for the future.

Future Leaders Committee
Chair: Shannon Drosnock, Montgomery Township Municipal Sewer Authority
Autumn Crawford, Western Butler County Authoirty
Angie Diable, Economy Borough Municipal Authority
Daulton George, Warminster Municipal Authority
Josephine Hall, South Middleton Township Municipal Authority
Jonathan Klotz, Mt. Pocono Municipal Authority
Jennifer Leister, Upper Montgomery Joint Authority
Ryan Mentzer, Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott LLC
Evan Ridington, Arthur Hall Insurance
Erin Threet, Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
Staff Liaision: Mandi Glantz, PMAA


The Authorities Future Leaders Scholarship Program

2025 Scholarship Application (PDF)

Deadline: March 15, 2025









What is an Authority?
Authorities are governmental bodies created to finance and/or operate specific public works projects (i.e. water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste, transportation, parking, etc.) without tapping the general taxing powers of the municipality. Authorities are established under the Municipality Authorities Act (53 Pa.C.S.Ch.56) or the Parking Authority Law (53 Pa.C.S.Ch.55). It is estimated there are more than 2,600 municipal authorities in the Commonwealth.

The purpose of the scholarship is to increase knowledge and awareness of authority service and the need for qualified employees in the industry. Authorities operate with employees trained in business, management, operations and the trades with authority service areas including, but not limited to, public water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste and recycling, airports, transportation, parking, redevelopment, emergency/medical, recreation, etc.

Scholarship(s) at a minimum of $1,000 and up to $3,000 each will be announced for recipient(s) by the end of April 2024. Recognition of winner(s) will formally occur at the PMAA Annual Conference in September or another predetermined PMAA event.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicant must be a student enrolled in a high school, technical school, undergraduate or graduate college or university 


  • an employee of a PMAA member municipal authority pursuing continuing education or credentialing/certification with less than two years of employment in the industry.

  • The scholarship may be used for education-related expenses such as tuition, books, or enrollment/registration fees for professional development or credential coursework.

  • The scholarship may not be used to cover stipends or wages.

  • Previous applicants may reapply in subsequent years as long as they meet eligibility requirements above.

See application criteria and guidelines for a full list of selection criteria and application procedures.