Communications Committee
PMAA’s Communications Committee focuses on increasing communication efficiency and information sharing within the membership. The committee provides valuable energy and insights on how to navigate new technologies, increase our communications effectiveness and strengthen our electronic and print messaging capabilities.
Melissa Radovanic, Chair
Greater Johnstown Water Authority
Travis Amsley
Borough of Chambersburg
Liesel Gross
Lehigh County Authority
Timothy Hagey
Warminster Municipal Authority
Deanna Hassinger
Mifflin County Municipal Authority
Lindsay Hughes
North Penn Water Authority
Matthew Junker
Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County
Evan Ridington
Arthur Hall Insurance
Susan Sampson
Lehigh County Authority
Amy Schirf
Centre County Recycling & Refuse Authority
Michael A. Schober, PE
Columbia Municipal Authority/ARRO Consulting Engineers
Jennifer Case
Mandi Glantz
Kim Wenrich