
Geophysics and Subsurface Utility Engineering for Municipal Authorities (1 PDH)

Wednesday, April 13, 2022
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

How to find, map and manage before digging, drilling, or building?

April is National Safe Digging Month, a time when many authorities are gearing up for outdoor projects. Costs associated with these projects are on the rise so it’s important to maximize every dollar spent. That’s why it’s important to know what’s in the ground before you begin digging.

But how do you know what’s going on underground? That's where Geophysics and Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) can help. 

Geophysics – “radiology for the earth” which helps identify underground obstacles

SUE – the practice of identifying subsurface infrastructure like pipes and other buried utilities

When incorporated together, Geophysics and SUE can help municipal authorities understand what’s beneath the surface before digging or drilling. These technologies can help identify subsurface obstacles while reducing potential utility, equipment or property damage as well as creating a safe work environment.

Felicia Bechtel, Director of Geophysics, RETTEW, will present a one-hour webinar providing:

  • A basic understanding of the latest geophysical techniques

  • The process of Subsurface Utility Engineering

  • Numerous real-life project examples describing how implementing these technologies helps save time while minimizing danger, expense, and liability on projects before a shovel ever hits the ground

Felicia Bechtel, MSc, PG
Senior Geophysical  Advisor and Special Projects Lead


  • $45 - Members

  • $75 - Non-Members