The collection of delinquent utility and stormwater fee accounts is a necessary, but often unpleasant, component of the duties of a Municipal Authority. This webinar will provide your Authority with proven strategies to increase the collection of its delinquent (and current) accounts and navigate the unchartered waters of bankruptcy. Time for questions will be allotted to allow for you to raise specific challenges facing your Authority.
Learning Objectives:
Creating Incentives to Pay: Delinquent payment behavior is unlikely to change unless your Authority can create incentives to pay. Options for creating both positive and negative incentives will be discussed at length.
The Municipal Claims and Tax Liens Act (MCTLA): Attendees will learn the benefits of implementing this important Pennsylvania collection law. Actual collection data will be shown that verifies the effectiveness of the MCTLA.
Bankruptcy 101: An overview of bankruptcy basics will be discussed to ensure that attendees have a working knowledge of the different bankruptcy chapters and pleadings they will likely see.
The Automatic Stay: The automatic stay is the main reason that debtors file for bankruptcy. Attendees will learn what types of debts the Authority is still permitted to actively collect during the bankruptcy stay.
Protections for Authorities: Bankruptcy Code Section 366 provides specific protections for utility providers during a debtor’s bankruptcy case. Actions to protect your Authority’s interests will be discussed.
Kevin Buraks, Esq.
Portnoff Law Associates
Member: $45
Non-Member: $75