On Tuesday, August 2, 2022, PMAA testified before the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee at an informational meeting on SB 597 (Water and Wastewater Asset Management Plans). Several other testifiers presented representing the water and wastewater industry including Aqua America and American Water.
Many thanks to our testifiers:
Liesel Gross, Chief Executive Officer, Lehigh County Authority
Sharon Purnell, Manager, Hamilton Township Municipal Authority
Thomas Zeuner, Executive Director, Northampton Bucks County Municipal Authority

Click here for PMAA’s testimony on SB 597
Click here for a video of the informational meeting on SB 597.
Background on SB 597
SB 597 (Senator Patrick Stefano – Fayette, Somerset, Westmoreland Counties)
Amends Title 27 (Environmental Resources) which requires community water and wastewater systems of 751 or more connections to submit an asset management plan to DEP for review and approval. It also provides for critical valve inspections and repair, meter testing protocol, lead line replacement plan, development of a cybersecurity system, annual information to customers, regulations, contingency for public funding and enforcement.
In May of 2021, PMAA opposed the bill when the bill was amended which placed any water and wastewater system that was not in compliance with the requirements in the bill under the PA Public Utility Commission. Click here for PMAA’s letter of opposition.
In April of 2022, PMAA was successful in having the bill amended, most significantly having the PUC provision removed and replacing it with DEP.
Click here for PMAA’s memo to the full Senate on April 11th with details on the floor amendments and PMAA’s position. The bill passed the Senate on June 7, 2022 with a vote of 27 to 23. On June 14, 2022 the bill moved to the House and was referred to the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.
On August 2, 2022, PMAA testified at an informational meeting before the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee on SB 597.