PMAA Testimony on HB 798
On September 25, 2017 PMAA and the other Local Government Associations testified at a hearing of the House Consumer Affairs Committee to address concerns with HB 798 (Davis) placing water and wastewater authorities and similar municipally operated systems under the jurisdiction of the PA Public Utility Commission (PUC).
Additional concerns on this bill were also presented by the PUC testifying that such an undertaking would cost the PUC an additional $10 million in their annual budget and require hiring 100 new employees.
The PUC currently regulates 134 water and wastewater systems, but this bill would swell those numbers to over 1,300 additional authority and municipal water and wastewater systems, an unmanageable task for the agency.
PMAA opposes this legislation.
More details regarding the testimony can be found here: