

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Coronavirus Graphics

COVID-19 Related Phone Scams and Phishing Attacks

Effects of COVID-19 on the Bidding Environment by The Pennbid Team

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Lehigh County Authority Employee Wellness ‐ COVID‐19 Decision Trees

Model Coronavirus Response Plan

National Institutes of Health

Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED)

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

Pennsylvania Office of the Governor

The Right-to-Know Law & COVID-19

The Sunshine Act & COVID-19

US Environmental Protection Agency 


World Health Organization (WHO)


  • Physical Presence for Attendance at Authority Meetings - With concerns regarding Coronavirus, authorities are asking for clarification on board meeting quorums for conducting business. PMAA Solicitor, Michael Witherel has provided the following opinion regarding quorums specifically for conference call attendance. Read more>>

  • PMAA Supports Passage of Infrastructure Bill - PMAA recently sent a letter to Senators Casey and Toomey regarding the association supporting the passage of an infrastructure bill. Such stimulus would provide financial assistance for authorities to address aging infrastructure systems throughout the Commonwealth.

PMAA strongly believes that an infrastructure package consisting of grants will enable its members to undertake necessary system repairs. It would be difficult for the cost of such repairs to be borne by our members’ ratepayers, whose economic situation may not see relief at any time in the foreseeable future.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: CDC’s resource page includes what you should know about the virus, how to protect yourself and the latest updates from around the world.

  • CDC Water Worker Website - During the coronavirus pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have worked hand in hand to ensure the American public has the information they need to stay informed with respect to using water resources.

    CDC recently posted a new coronavirus website for sanitation and wastewater workers. Additionally, EPA regularly updates its coronavirus website, which provides information on drinking water and wastewater. In addition to information for the general public, this website includes resources for state, local, and tribal agencies and intergovernmental associations.  

  • Plan, Prepare, and Respond - The CDC has issued guidance on resuming operations for businesses and employees.

Coronavirus Graphics: Help share and spread the word with these "post-ready" images for your social media network.

COVID-19 Related Phone Scams and Phishing Attacks: The CDC provides guidance on protecting yourself from falling victim to these scams.

Effects of COVID-19 on the Bidding Environment by The Pennbid Team
As we adjust and accommodate to changes brought on by COVID-19, authorities must continue to provide services. Many folks responsible for these services converted dining rooms and spare bedrooms into offices, became “co-teachers” to school-aged kids, and mastered videoconferencing – well, sort of. Read more>>

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act

  • The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) passed Congress on March 18, 2020 which amends the Federal Family Leave Act (FMLA). Prior to this new law, the FMLA did not apply to employers with fewer than 50 employees. It now includes employers with 1 to 500 employees and they must provide up to 12 weeks emergency paid sick leave and family medical leave.It takes effect from April 1 to December 30, 2020. Click here for the fact sheet on the new law.

  • With the recent publication of the regulations in the Federal Register implementing the law, more details on types of employers and their employees exempt from these requirements are provided. Public works personnel are within the definition of emergency responders all of whom may be excluded from Paid Sick Leave or Expanded Family and Medical Leave by their Employer under the FFCRA.

  • Based upon this language, water and sewer authorities are permitted to claim exemption from the requirements of the FFCRA. Please consult with your solicitor on this possible exemption. Click here for the regulation and refer to section 826.25 (c)(2)(i) starting on page 19351 and continuing on page 19352.

Federal Emergency Management Agency 

The Adaptive Design Local Solutions Guide covers four sub-topics that describe short- and long-term approaches to community revitalization and development: public space, building, zoning, and community engagement. The first three sub-topic sections consider the impacts of COVID-19 on how people use community spaces and how local governments can support healthier spaces for community recovery. The discussion on public space emphasizes consideration for locations to prioritize, ways different types of public space can be converted, and implementation considerations. The building section considers ways buildings can be adapted for community health and ways that unoccupied buildings can be repurposed to provide social services or housing. The third section, zoning adaptations, examines ways that state, local, tribal, and territorial governments can align some of the strategies discussed in the public space and building sections with local ordinances, either through relaxation or amendment. Finally, a fourth section, community engagement, emphasizes the need for community input throughout the decision-making process, with considerations for both virtual and non-virtual participation. 

The Alternative Public Service Local Solutions Guide proposes methods local governments can use to provide ongoing services or partner with others to meet residents’ needs despite budget constraints. As local governments face continued fiscal stress, alternative models for delivering public services can provide economic relief while promoting innovation and growing stronger networks among municipalities. Alternative Public Service Solutions are different models for rethinking public service funding and delivery, which can address varied needs from recovery and planning to stewardship of parks and waters to delivery of public safety services. The guide is divided into five subsections describing different types of solutions: Crisis Budgeting, Public-Private Partnerships, Local Government Organizations, Shared-Services, and Technical Assistance (Universities and Foundations). While there is variation in the steps for each of the solutions, all these innovations require: Community Engagement, Communication, and Partnerships.

FEMA Intergovernmental Affairs Advisory
On March 13, 2020, the President declared the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant an emergency declaration for all states, tribes, territories, and the District of Columbia pursuant to section 501 (b) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121-5207 (the “Stafford Act”). State, territorial, tribal, and local government entities and certain private non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for Public Assistance. See Fact Sheet for further information.

The Grants Management Capacity Local Solutions Guide seeks to simplify the process of building local government capacity for grants management through this comprehensive explanation of a grant’s entire lifecycle. To do so, it covers seven steps of grants management from pre-award to post-award (i.e., Project Development, Funding Identification, Proposal Preparation, Proposal Submission, Award Acceptance, Award Management, and Award Closeout). Additionally, this guide has incorporated tips that can help smaller communities secure funding through use of federal/partner technical assistance and cost saving measures. It also highlights major impacts to grants management brought about by COVID-19 at the close of 2020. While this guide is focused on federal grant programs, many of the tools and practices discussed within it are general enough to also assist with non-federal grant program applications. 

Lehigh County Authority Employee Wellness ‐ COVID‐19 Decision Trees: What steps are you taking with your employees when they feel sick or know someone who has been in contact with the virus?
*This document of scenarios is meant as a guide only and should not replace your own review of CDC recommendations*

Model Coronavirus Response PlanCoronavirus response plan and sample FAQ for employers created by Cozen O'Connor

National Institutes of Health (NIH): Get the latest public health information from CDC and the latest research news from NIH.

Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED): Local Government COVID-19 FAQs

PA Department of Environmental Protection

  • DEP posted guidance on its website outlining a series of actions they are taking during the COVID-19 pandemic related to inspections, permit holders, water and wastewater operator certification exams and other pertinent information. Further details can be found here: DEP COVID-19 Update

  • DEP Bureau of Safe Drinking Water - COVID-19 Information

  • DEP Bureau of Clean Water - COVID-19 Information

Pennsylvania Department of Health: Up to date information on the current situation within the Commonwealth

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA): Important alert details regarding preparation and response to emergencies within Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Office of the Governor: Daily updates from Governor Tom Wolf in response to COVID-19 in Pennsylvania

  • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Proclamation of Disaster Emergency - On March 6, 2020, Governor Wolf signed an emergency disaster declaration to provide increased support to the Commonwealth, counties, municipalities, and other entities involved in the response to the COVID-19 virus.

    On June 3, 2020, Governor Wolf signed an amended emergency disaster declaration renewing the period for another 90 days.

PMAA Solicitor, Michael Witherel believes this emergency disaster declaration is sufficient for any municipal authority as to its general overall operations. If you believe that your authority has unique or particular situations beyond what is described in the Governor’s proclamation, check with your solicitor if it is necessary for you to adopt your own emergency declaration.

  • New Workplace Requirements Ordered by the PA Secretary of Health - The new order identifies protection measures for critical workers who are employed at businesses that are authorized to maintain in-person operations during the COVID-19 disaster emergency. These new measures go into effect on Sunday, April 19th, at 8:00 p.m. Please refer to the order for detailed information.

The Right-to-Know Law and COVID-19: The Office of Open Records has issued an advisory regarding Pennsylvania’s RTKL and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Sunshine Act and COVID-19: The Office of Open Records has issued an advisory regarding Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Act and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The following webinars are available for viewing:

  • Authorities and COVID-19

  • Impact of COVID-19 on Municipal Authorities & Considerations on How to Move Forward

  • The New Normal – Responding to a Positive COVID-19 Case in the Workplace and Reducing the Spread

Click here for additional information.

World Health Organization (WHO): Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak daily press briefings.

  • The World Health Organization states that current water treatment practices are effective against COVID-19. For additional information, click here.