Stormwater Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
So, you’ve heard about stormwater management for a while now. Maybe your community has even been discussing what to do. But you still have all sorts of questions…
- Will stormwater management be an authority or municipal function?
- Should we form a new stormwater authority or add that function to an existing authority?
- What are our responsibilities?
- Who’s going to pay for all this?
- Will our residents support this program along with new fees?
- What is an MS4 permit and what requirements does that include?
- Where do we begin?
PMAA has developed a 4-part webinar program to answer these and many more questions. These webinars are designed to offer information, resources and practical examples to help address your concerns about creating a stormwater authority.
Each session will consist of a presentation as well as ample time for Q & A and is perfect for managers, board members, engineers, solicitors and other individuals who have planning and decision-making responsibilities.
Overview: Stormwater Management in Pennsylvania
September 21, 2016
1:00 – 2:00 pm
- Short history of stormwater management
- Brief synopsis of state and federal laws governing stormwater
- Considerations and process for creation of a stormwater authority
- Funding options for stormwater authorities
- Links to additional information
Presenter: John Brosious, PMAA Deputy Director

Stormwater, the Legal Perspective: What Your Municipality Needs to Know
September 28, 2016
1:00 – 2:00 pm
- Legal procedures to establish a stormwater authority
- Responsibilities related to permitting and regulatory issues with DEP and/or EPA
- Overview of MS4 compliance regulations
- Latest case law relating to the assessment of stormwater fees
Presenter: Attorney Steven Hann, PMAA Eastern Solicitor

DEP Stormwater Presentation: The Regulatory Side of Things
October 12, 2016
1:00 – 2:00 pm
Minimum Control Measures (The basic program, required of all MS4 permittees):
- Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts
- Public Involvement / Participation
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- Construction Site Runoff Control
- Post-Construction Stormwater Management
- Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
2018 MS4 Permit: Application due dates, new planning requirements and website planning table
General Permit holders and new permittees must submit stormwater control plans by September 2017, including a Pollutant Reduction Plan with specific BMPs for the 2018-2023 permit term.
Collaborative Solutions: Permittees can benefit from joining forces with neighboring municipalities to address stormwater issues. County planning commissions and county conservation districts frequently provide support to MS4s, and working with local watershed and environmental groups can be useful.
Presenter: Lee Murphy, Water Program Specialist, DEP Bureau of Clean Water

Case Study: So You Want to Form a Stormwater Authority?
October 19, 2016
1:00 – 2:30 pm
Sit in on a first person account of how Derry Township Municipal Authority added stormwater management to their current wastewater management responsibilities in the greater Hershey area.
This informative presentation on their intergovernmental working relationship with Derry Township will include a discussion on the use of a stakeholder advisory committee, the planning steps, and the current progress in the development and implementation of an effective stormwater management program.
The webinar will also present related topics including legal and technical consulting support, budgeting, fee development and funding, as well as engineering concerns, permitting and public participation and interaction.
Wayne Schutz, Executive Director, Derry Township Municipal Authority
Mike Callahan, Stormwater Program Coordinator, Derry Township Municipal Authority
Adrienne Vicari, P.E., Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.

Attention Engineers: Each webinar qualifies for 1 PDH
Stormwater Webinar Cost – $40 per session or $120 for all 4 sessions